My Approach to Ashtanga Yoga
My approach to Ashtanga yoga incorporates the eight limbs found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. "Ashta" means "eight" and "anga" means "limb." The Sutras are 195 words of wisdom as developed by Patanjali. It is not known whether Patanjali was an actual ancient sage of India, a mythical sage, or a group of individuals. However, the Sutras do contain some words of wisdom.
My integration of Ashtanga yoga involves the eight limbs in the following ways:
Yamas -restraints
Niyamas -observances
Asanas -physical postures
Pranayama-breath regulation
Pratyahara- withdrawal of the senses
Dharana- concentration
Samadhi-living in the present moment
Some people may be concerned, when taking a yoga class, that the instructor will try to direct them toward thoughts or activities that are contrary to their religion. While I cannot speak for other yoga instructors, at times, I do offer word mantras and/or guided meditations that reflect a moral tone. However, if you enjoy Hatha yoga (referring primarily to the physical postures), I invite you to check out one of my online videos, come practice with me at one of my face-to-face locations, or set up a private yoga session, and decide for yourself!